Friday, December 25, 2009


It's 9:17am on Christmas morning. I woke up about an hour ago to the sound of my gran crashing to the floor. I tried to help her up as my brother got my mam out of bed. She came rushing down the stairs and we just about had her up when the following happened.

Granddad: I'm just going to go to the toilet.
Mam: Be careful. We don't want you falling as well.
Granddasd: I won't.

He literally walked two steps further and crashed down in the doorway, much to the dislike of my Mam. My Dad showed up a few seconds later and was all like

Dad: What's going on?
Adam: I dunno. People just keep fucking falling over.

I don't think I've ever come across a more helpful or accurate description of what was going on at a particular time.

I notced two presents in my pile and only expected one. The extra one was clearly a game or a dvd. I opened it to find High School Musical Singstar. You know me well, Santa. You know me too well. :)

Happy Christmas!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Two Thousand And Nine

A year in review in the form of bullet points. I'm pretty bored.

- Dave's apartment and Time in Naas.
- Africa and Camping and realising how much better Irish society is.
- Killester House and the many parties and trios and general good times.
- Friday the 13th. Drunken idiots breaking my glasses. Becca stealing his shoe.
- Seizures. 3 fucking seizures!!!!
- Midnight cycles
- Paddys Day. The kid on the train. The scummers also on the train. Funderland in Bray.
- My Gran's fading health
- Bailey. <3
- Natalie Tran
- The Clarence. What a ridiculous experience.
- Brand New and Kevin Devine
- Birmingham and that asian girl that stared at me when I was getting dressed. Freak.
- Summer Barbeque which was weird yet pleasent.
- ATC for the second year.
- Rounders and Tennis
- Sweden. Fucking Sweden.
- Dempsey's song
- Tilly and the Wall
- That significant night
- College again
- Walking through Darndale for the first time in years. *Shudders*
- Walking through town all night long. Fuck!
- Hallowe'en with Pokémon
- Sundays with Rebecca
- Skins, The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother.
- That blog I wrote for Amy
- Amy coming home
- Music with Amy
- Amy
- Laser fucking eye surgery
- Meeting up with my Italian Leader again. :)
- Dempsey's super awesome present. Seriously the best ever!

And let's not forget...

- Rose. By far the greatest person in the world! You pale in comparison, whoever you are. :)

All in all, it's been a good year. And if we take a look at where I was and where I am now, I'm doing so much better in every which way. Despite the vast periods of nothingness, I'm glad everything happened. Well for the most part anyway. I'm so much more content in being me and not trying to be what someone else wants or expects me to be. Bring on the new decade. Can't wait to destroy whatever life throws at me. WE'RE HERE TO PILLAGE! WE'RE HERE TO BURN!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I love progress. It's slow progress but it is definately progress. I'm looking forward to creating something that I'm not going to hate or let slip to apathy or forget about in a few months time. Pen and Paper though. It's for the best. You dope, you.

I read most of a book that Amy gave lent me today (It's not long and it is in no way impressive that I've almost finished it). It's absolute gold though.

'He said to me
that trying to reach heaven without
god is like trying to
jump across the grand canyon,
and it just couldn't be done.

I told him that
Robby Knievel jumped across the grand canyon

He said to me
that he would pray for my soul
The poor man.'

Amazing! In my experience with pointing out the flaws in the Jehova Witness's logic and arguing with them for hours, I have found that this is exactly how they react. they're such spazzers.
I remember talking to priests and teachers about why we go to church and why repeat prayers over and over instead of actually talking to this God character.

Priest shows up to class to give out about kids not going to mass every week...

Priest: Hands up who doesn't go to church every week.
Richie: *Shoots hand up*
Priest: Why don't you?
Richie: I don't want to.
Priest: You should make time to go to church.
Richie: Why?
Priest: So you can pray to God.
Richie: I do that at home.
Priest: You should still make time for church. *Leaves classroom*

If he'd even made any attempt to answer me properly I probably wouldn't hate any organised religion the way I do now. It's just a 'You're only in 2nd class and don't know anything' mentality which is completely stupid. I'm glad I had the cop on to reject their idiocy so young. :)

I got the most amazing present ever today. It's a photo collage of the past several years. And it's absolutely massive. I'm taking down a painting I've no attachment to and replacing it. I miss having photos on my wall.

I'm getting my eyes retested tomorrow. It's best of I sleep now. Good night, the internet.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


If you can't handle your drink, don't drink! When your friends want nothing to do with you anymore you're doing something wrong. It's not the first, or the second, or the third, it's not even the fourth time you've done this. Fuck off!

I spent half of last night with a bunch of lads trying to get one of our 'friends' into a taxi. He wouldn't get in one. He couldn't construct a word, nvermind a sentence. He couldn't walk. He swung for one of us and then tried to chase us and careered into a fence and bounced his head off it. And after helping him up, he started swinging for me. I'm through with it. I don't care anymore.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

No More College

I finished college today. I was the last in the class to show that my program worked and apparently I did it better than anyone. Hyuss! I'm doing pretty well in all my subjects. Im only worried about one and there was nothing I could do about it so I'll just have to work a bit harder in that exam.

My friends are the nicest people ever. Like seriously. I saved several messages into my phone today so I can look back over them in a few weeks and smile away to myself.

I really wish I could do more for you. :(

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Little Things...

It's weird how much the little things annoy me. What gives you the right to say 'It's hard to be around Gran and Granddad'? You literally see them about three times a year. You can't claim an attachment like that when you don't care enough to even visit.
I went to work last night. I hate Christmas parties. It's just so hectic, always. Any time there's a free bar, people become obnoxious in their goals of drinking as much as physically possible and trying to get served. What a stupid society we live in.

The two assignments that were due on Friday are now due on Monday and Tuesday. Which is awesome because I don't even nearly have them done. I really don't understand how we're supposed to adequetly learn enough to go to work after college. Instead of using the lab facilities there, we have lectures on 'methods to program' and they don't actually teach you how to do anything. I literally have to go online and look up tutorials for how to do the simplest things. If they'd give us a stable amount of work as we go along and not just a massive assignment at the end, we'd actually know what we're doing.

My rose is back. Man that was a rough couple of days...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time Management

I feel terrible. On the bus home I got headache which gradually got worse and I really just wanted to get off. Now I feel like I might vom before the night is over. Oh well.

I had an awesome day today. I love meeting up with old friends. And it's weird that I have friends that are so old. Old enough to be my mother. Madness. I regret nothing though. She's one of the nicest people ever.

It's so strange that I was working in ATC only 4 months ago. And another few months before that, Killester was the place to be. And now it's two weeks till Christmas? What the hell? It feels like only a few months ago I was listening to Xmas FM. My perception of time is all over the place. Since leaving school, time has somewhat melted into a goop. Ha. Goop.

I have to come up with a project plan for my 3rd year project now. It involves alot of time management which, as you can see from the above paragraph, baffles me. It's almost impossible to do it all now considering the project won't be started for ages. I can't wait to edit the schedule to fit our shortcomings before we even start. It's basically estimating things you haven't accounted for. It really is an ongoing process rather than something to before you start. Oh the joys and logic of college.

My presentation went surprisingly well. Whoopa!!! Who'd have thought such a serious lecturer would be up for some light comedic relief.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Yes Men

I have a presentation due for thursday on Identity Theft. It's not something I expected and think there's going to be some sort of catch that I missed out on. Either way, the slides are done and there's no going back now.
I dedicated 4 out of the 10 slides to the yes men and included the picture of him looking stupid on the news...

Haha. His face... Wow!

If you haven't heard of The Yes Men you should visit their website,, or just type them into youtube and you'll get several humourous videos.

Now I go to watch my Gran fade a little bit more. Hurray!

Friday, December 4, 2009

The B9

I love coming across gems like this in the internet world.

BrokenIpod wrote:
I went on Omegle to try and find help, had an interesting conversation with heaven about her.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hello and Welcome to the Heaven Help Line
Stranger: My name is Adam, how may I help you today?
You: tell me who this girl is
You: I need to marry her
Stranger: One second please
You: she is AMAZING
Stranger: I concur sir
Stranger: However, I am afraid I do not know this particular individual
You: that's a major bummer
Stranger: I could transfer you to HMHQ
Stranger: Perhaps they would know
You: what's that stand for?
Stranger: Human Management Head Quarters
You: ah, yea, that'd be super
Stranger: One second please
You: thanks for the chat, Adam, you're a good dude.
Stranger: ---connecting---
Stranger: Hello, HMHQ, this is Amy
You: Hi Amy, maybe you'd be able to help me out with an issue i'm having
Stranger: Sure thing, tell me what the problem is
You: ok, well
You: I'll be straight with you
You: I need to marry this girl, this one right here in this picture -
You: but I don't know who she is
Stranger: I see
You: can you help me with a name or something?
Stranger: Well, though we cannot recognise a human based on a picture alone
Stranger: as we use a different tracking system
Stranger: I can put this into a new system the Tech guys came up with
You: Do you have a breast recognisation system?
Stranger: It's still in beta though
Stranger: No sir, I'm afraid we don't
You: I mean, you're a woman, but i'm sure you're just as stoked as I am on her gear.
You: Yea, let's run this through the new system, I mean, it can't hurt, can it?
Stranger: Just did sir
Stranger: we have 1 result
Stranger: We have the name Megane
You: Megane?
Stranger: Yes sir
You: As in the car? The Renault Megane? It's sturdy and reliable.
Stranger: Nice pun sir
Stranger: We also found this media on another website
Stranger: I'm sorry sir, but that's all the information I can get
Stranger: The system is still in Beta, but we're working on a new database
You: You've been an amazing help, Amy. I truly appreciate it.
Stranger: No problem sir
Stranger: May I help you with anything else today?
You: Not that I can think of. Can I help YOU with anything, Amy?
Stranger: Sir, as long as I have served your every need today, I'm fine [no double entendre]
You: You're not the girl i'm looking for, are you Amy?
You: Because i'm serious about the marriage thing. I would truly love for you to have my children.
Stranger: I'm glad sir
Stranger: may I help you with anything else today?
You: I guess not. Thanks for being here for me, it's all I could have asked for.
Stranger: You're welcome sir
You: P.S. Have you met God?
Stranger: Yes sir, I have
Stranger: He made a speech at my orientation
You: Maybe he knows my future wife. Do you have a direct line?
You: Also, does he still wear sandals or does he go with Crocs now?
Stranger: I do not, but you may speak to a representative
Stranger: God prefers berkinstocks
You: I would LOVE to speak with God's Rep.
Stranger: And also sir, it is a misconception that we have dealings with fate or destiny
You: I think God is obviously a good guy
Stranger: that is just a glitch that the HMC is working on
Stranger: I'll transfer you to the AO
You: I'm willing to make my own fate, Amy. I just need a helping hand in finding this beautiful piece of lady bits.
Stranger: ---connecting---
Stranger: Hello, AO, this is Marc
You: Hi Marc, how're you?
Stranger: I'm just fine sir, may I help you with something?
You: Yes, you can, I hope.
You: Im looking for this girl, I need to marry her. Can you find a name? I was told Megane was a possibility.
Stranger: Sir, there are multiple persons on this page
Stranger: And that would be a matter to take up with the HMHQ
You: Oh, my bad. That's the link Amy found for me.
Stranger: I'll make a note for her review and termination
Stranger: I am sorry for the inconvience sir
You: Well, Marc, I just want you to look at her and tell me you don't want to help me find her.
Stranger: Sir, as much as I might
Stranger: I cannot
Stranger: as that is a job for the HMHQ
You: Please don't terminate Amy, she went above and beyond to help me.
You: Ok, so you're God's Rep, right?
Stranger: We have a very strict policy here at Heaven Incorporated
Stranger: a 1-strike system if you will
Stranger: No sir, I am just a secretary
Stranger: I can transfer you to certain reps depending on the case
Stranger: That is, if they are available
You: Well, I put it to you that Amy was selfless in the fact that she risked her job to help me find my future wife. That cannot be a bad thing.
Stranger: You said you were not satisfied with the results of her efforts
Stranger: Perhaps we had a misunderstanding
You: Anything you can do to help me, Marc, would be great. I've no chance of speaking with God today?
Stranger: I'm afraid God cannot be reached directly for matters such as this
Stranger: He is a very busy man
Stranger: However, his reps report directly to him
You: I was very happy with Amy, please note that in her file.
Stranger: and, if the case is of great enough of importance
Stranger: god will be notified
Stranger: I will make a note
You: Ok, i'd like to speak to a rep, please.
Stranger: Ok sir, what is your case?
You: I need to find a woman from a photograph so that I can propose marriage to her and make beautiful children.
Stranger: That would be a matter for the HMHQ sir
Stranger: I'm sorry they were not able to resolve the matter
Stranger: I hear they are working on a new system, perhaps you could ask for that
You: I spoke with Amy from HMHQ already, Marc.
You: She tried that, with mixed results.
You: I guess today just isn't my day, huh?
Stranger: I'm sorry sir
Stranger: Is there anything else I can do for you today?
You: You did everything you could do, Marc.
You: Yes, there is, actually.
You: Give yourself a hug and a pat on the back for being such a great help and let everyone know that Amy and Adam are fantastic.
Stranger: Thank you sir
Stranger: I appreciate that
You: My pleasure.
You: Have a lovely afterlife.
Stranger: and I will make sure to make a note on their respective files
Stranger: You too sir

I should lurk the b9 more often.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Happy Birthday, Amy!!!

I've decided I'm going to write a blog about how awesome Amy is because I like writing blogs and Amy is awesome.

Amy's a good egg. Even if she does look really bored in pictures of us together. I don't think there's any decent pictures of us together. It's the beauty of our friendship. It's just a series of compliments and insults varying in severity and occasionally crossing lines that shouldn't be crossed.
Behind all the easy distractions and intense msn conversations, she's a pretty awesome gal and tells me what to do at times when I don't know what I should be doing. Once I gave her good advice as well. The rest of the time it was clichés and basically what she'd already said but rephrased slightly.
She's also painfully harsh so if I ever want sympathy I avoid. I don't really. I just tell her and she slaps me in the face with her words and I go back to my business.
I remember when I decided she was my bestie. If we take a look at this graph...

I copied and pasted but the graph didn't come out... Sigh. I'll draw it in paint. Hang on...

There we go... I call it the loch ness monster theory because it goes up and down like nessie does.

From the graph you can see I was bummed out at the end of 06/start of 07. It was possibly the first time in my adult life where I was upset about something. Luckily Prince Amy was all over the situation like a disease in a developing country and from atop her noble steed, she was there to talk to me and such.

Many magical events did occur and adventures were had. To name a few...

- Really tight shorts guy
- Washing Amy's hands and Brushing Amy's teeth
- The really cold radiator
- 5c Pencil Pearers
- Cute without the E
- The guy on the bus going to Limerick
- Sligo
- Harold

I'm sure there's loads more and things like Cute without the E is more a song than an event but yeah. Go with it.

In conclusion Amy is the best human being and if we were all a little bit more like Amy, the world would be a better place. She makes me want to be a better person and I am very happy she is in my life. Yay!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Essay complete

I finished my 3000 word essay. I got two thousand eight hundred and something. It'll do. I don't care anymore. At around 4:30 he announced an extension and then at about 5 he retracted it. Who does that. I'm glad I didn't just pack up my stuff and leave like almost did.

It's 1 subject out of the way. Just another 6 left. :(

I'm getting really excited about actual music project. I'm trying so hard to concentrate on college and not just play guitar. I have a day off tomorrow. I think I'll record something. It's been so so long.


It's obnoxiously funny. That interviewer just doesn't get it.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Finn Finn's bday

I've been feeling suprisingly positive and generally happy today, which is bizarre considering all of the things I've become so acustomed to is crumbling around me. I'm just going to go with it and hope for the best.

It's Finn Finn's birthday today. Happy birthday Finn Finn. There was a celebratory party to commemorate the occasion last night in sin. Sin is an ok place. It's the same as everywhere else though so what's the point really? I had the buzz though and some moshspace lads i didn't quite know screamed my name across the room, which is nothing unusual in fairness. And a guy stumbled in my direction and steadied himself by using my inside thigh for balance. He was so apolagetic. I was lolling.

I made her a card out of a post it. And I put it into a massive envelope. I love how consistantly bad my cards and present attempts are and how people still accept them and think they're funny. On the inside I wrote:

'dear Finn Finn,

I was going to write you a rhyme,
but I can't think of anything.
Fuck it!

Love Black.'


I had a consultation for laser eye surgery this morning. 11th of December. The ability to see, here I come.

I have a new laptop. Yay.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I dislike boring essays

After 4 hours I'm only 354 words into my 3000 word assignment. Oh dear. This isn't going to end well. It's due in on friday. The plan is to go to his lecture tomorrow and harass him for what i should do. Hopefully he'll take pity on me and offer an extension. It won't happen but a gal can dream right? A gal can dream... *looks into distance*

And now back to looking after my grandparents. Hurray!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


So after a nice weekend at home where I spent the majority of my time in bed, I have calmed down considerably and am ready for another week of crap. I have assignments due though so it's very likely I'll be less stressed out because I've got distractions. Ah distracting yourself from the harsh realities of life. There's nothing like it.
I miss my Greer. I forgot how much she gives out to me and gets distracted by the dresses she buys and other such novelties. <3
We went to the Czech in last night. I wouldn't let Rebecca go dance and held onto her wrist so she couldn't go and some guy came up and grabbed my hands and made me let go. People are strange there. It's not what I'm used to and I don't like it.

This has been stuck in my head for days now. I'm ok with it.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


I spent the last week staying up with my gran making her cups of tea that she innevitably didn't drink, making her food and then having to feed her, almost carrying her because she can't walk, catching her when she fell over, making her take her tablets, holding nebiliser masks up to her face, following her around with her oxygen tube trying to convince her that it actually will make her better, showing her how to swallow her tablets, showing her how to take an inhaler, letting her give out to me for whatever reasons came into her head, waking up at 6 in the morning and getting her breathing on track again, running to the shop, lighting her cigarettes... It's possibly the worst week of my life.

I should have stayed longer but it got too much and I had to leave. I fucking hate it there. So much. And my granddad is just so clumsy and absent minded and it just pisses me off so much.


My mam stayed over one of the days because it 'wasn't fair on me' and she washed the dishes and fell asleep. I had to get up in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning to look after my gran and as soon as I went to college (because with someone there I can afford to do take a break by doing a UML collaberation diagram) she fecked off to her art class.

I reallly can't put up with all this shit anymore. She was in bits the other day. Literally worse than ever before and it was over an hour and a half before someone came to help me. It's like they were all fucking pulling straws to see who had the misfortune of going down and having to deal with it. And in the meantime I'm there trying to keep her alive long enough for it to not be my fault if something happens and on the phone every 3 or 4 minutes to see what to do if this happens and when that doesn't work, then what.

Fuck people!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I really want one of these. I'd wear it all year round I would!

You people disgust me

Smoking has got to be the most disgusting thing ever. It's got literally no advantages and why anyone in this day and age starts is beyond me. I can kinda understand the way some people might think it looks cool but anyone who thinks that sould come visit my gran. She's hooked up to an oxygen machine pretty much constantly and has to take some other vapour nebiliser stuff as well as that. And even with all that she doesn't get enough oxygen into her brain so now we have the wonderful world of losing one's mind setting in as well.

I came into my gran's yesterday and the sitting room was just a cloud of smoke. I couldn't even sit in there and it was too cold to open any doors or anything. I went back in a while later and gave her tablets to take. Than I had to show her how to take her tablets because she didn't know what to do with them, then we argued about how much nebiliser she has to take.
She then went around the room looking in all the little boxes around the place looking for something, but she didn't know what. She tried to take all the liquid medicine that she could get hold of. I had to take two bottles of laxitive and a bottle for heartburn from her. She also tried to take my granddad's painkillers and then her tablets again. Eventually I gave her two spoonfulls of her cough bottle and she was content.

She opened a bar of chocolate at somepoint. I've never seen someone so confused by chocolate before. She started cutting it with a knife. Which leads nicely into another chocolate related insident. My aunt was staying over and she decided they'd both have facials so my aunt had everything done and they'd to leave it on for a half an hour or so. In the meantime, they both had a bar of chocolate but after about ten minutes my aunt noticed my gran was rubbing it on her face.
It's a bit crap lauging at her when things like that happen but if I didn't I wouldn't be able to bare staying there so often.

So basically the point of this post is, if you don't want to have a chocolate face when you get older then you shouldn't smoke. And in general. Don't smoke. You're disgusting if you do.

Monday, November 16, 2009

6 hours and 17 minutes :/

I should really have my 3rd year project set up and ready to go by now. We've literally had weeks to get this done. At this moment in time, I have 6 hours and 17 minutes. Nice! I seem to be slipping back into old habits.

I've decided I'm going to get a laptop for Christmas and I'm going to install Linux and that way no one else will know how to use it and thus, leave it alone. It's a system that is going to work. It also means I won't have to put up with windows. Fucking Microsoft...
Failing that, I'll have to try a mac. I really don't want it to come to that though. 'Look at me I'm a pretentious bastard with my mac talking about how great macs are. Fuck me I'm pretentious!!!'

Friday, November 13, 2009

Cluedo is best form of study

We had a group meeting for our collective Galaxy Sleuth (The space mystery detective game) but instead of doing anything , we just played cluedo. I basically won because I'm super smart. Basically. I should become a detective or Jessica Fletcher or something. Yeah man! Yeah! Yeah!

I should stop asking people if they would or not. It's getting out of control. I'm just going to offend someone one of these days and they'll fuck me up.

Ed: I'm going out with this girl.
Me: Well done, would ya?
Ed: ...
Me: What am I saying? Of course you would...

Luckily people who know me know I shouldn't be taken seriously.

I'm a spazzer

Yesterday I took a shower but forgot to wash the shampoo out of my hair. I realised when I got out so I just dried it and it went all stupid and spiky and hard. I couldn't sleep last night so I decided I'd wash it out then a good 10 hours later. I'm a special case, me. :)

We have to hand up an unrealistic number of diagrams for our object orientated programming assignment. Apparently it will help us with the coding. It definately won't help us with the coding. What the hell are you playing at Liam? Could you have assigned us anything more stupid?

Internet arguements with strangest are awesome. Fucking Andy and Graeme don't know shit!

I wish I could fit the lyrics I like would fit better with guitar bits I like. Stupid lack of creative ability.

I shall continue to go on and on about this band. Amazing! I can't find their cd anywhere in my house. Balls.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Music. Yuss!

Plans have been made and now an actual music project is coming to fruition. I really hope it works out and is not just one of those things that gets lost in the clutter which I'll find again in a few years along with all the other crap and feel regret towards not trying.

But that won't happen. Posi Posi posi!!! I've got two songs started anyway. Awesome!!

Seriously, Mam? Seriously?

I wish my mam wouldn't listen to hay house radio. It's literally the biggest piece of shit ever. I'm listening to an astrology expert at the moment. How can someone claim expertise in something that doesn't exist? He's answering questions and mentioning Saturn or the moon every few minutes.

Also the people phoning in are ridiculous. 'I was going to split up with my husband last week but I decided against it and now we're going to work things out'. So off handish. They've got two kids as well.

So basically we've got shit head astrologist here dishing out advice to idiot people in vulnerable situations like this and basing their advice on factors such as where the moon is in the sky and whether Pluto is moving towards or away from earth. And they're listening to his every word as if he's the bible and they live in Catholic Ireland 50 years ago. Fucking Mark Husson!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Oh you better recognise!!!

I wish more people realised the joys in going out with a small group of friends instead of getting everyone they know and they're friends/college peers/estranged cousins with the gammy leg who hasn't quite grasped the art of making conversation. It's so much better having a more intimate group and being able to talk to them.

The church is such a lovely place. They gave us free drinks and were in general very friendly. Everyone should frequent there. I'm going to go for a meal there soon. Four courses, thirty euro each, two people and one bottle of wine. (I just wanted to count backwards from four)

It's amazing how much I don't want to buy dvd's ever and yet I frequent the cinema so much. My logic is flawed. I'm going to try and fix that soon.

I'm excited that you'll be home soon. I appreciate the little things in life so much more when you're around to share in the experience.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I can't believe she's lie to me like that...

When I was about five or six my Mam told my aunt a joke in front of me. It was a rude joke and I didn't hear the punchline so I asked what she said and she said she'd tell me when I was 18.

5 year old Richie: But you won't remember it when I'm 18...
Mam: I will, I promise...
5 year old Richie: I bet you you won't!
Mam: *goes back to talking my aunt*

I'm pretty sure from that point on, I wanted to be 18. Now I'm 21 and I still don't know the joke. We all have skeletons in our closets though.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Poor Blackle: The Renewal

Wow. This blog is way too depressing. In hind sight it's been a tough enough year but it's nearly over and has gotten alot easier now. I'm excited about life again and although I'm not quite the positive, upbeat person I was back in 2006 (That's nearly 4 years ago. Crazy), I'm getting back to it.

It's weird the way there's people I absolutely can't stand yet I still want to spend time with them. Your logic is flawed and your general presence annoys me but I'm still calling you up and inviting you out and stuff. Stop acting as if everything is such a big deal and stop looking into the mirror so hard. It's just us looking back.

Tilly and the Wall are incredible. More people need to realise this. Seriously!

I emailed myself all of my college notes so I could study a bit when I came home. It's looking very unlikely that that will happen. I have such noble plans which just fall to apathy... Oh well.

I think I'll get back into this blog again. The layout is so much better than the old myspace one.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


I got a job today. Yuss! I'm now apart of the Clarence hotel workforce. I can't wait to ask them for time off to go see brand new. That's going to be fun. I could get away with only not working thursday but I imagine it just might kill me. Going from work to the airport at a ridiculous time in the morning and then get a plane at 6. I'd have to spend the day in birmingham. Then after the concert, a hostel. Then get a plane back. I'd be in Ireland at around 3 and then straight to work. Hopefully that won't happen though. It will be hell if it does.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Losing my shit! (In the excited way, not the careless way)

Brand New is coming up in the next two weeks. Needless to say, I'm very excited. I have contact lenses for the occasion so my glasses won't get broken if I'm having too much fun. We also get to spend a day in Birmingham, although I hear it's not the great for touristy things to do. Even still, I'm going to have the buzz.

The lads have started setting up games of rounders fairly regularly and we had a game of tennis last week. I had a lot of fun playing. Would play again.

I love when new people come into your life that just get you. Even if it is only an email or text or whatever. I'm pretty happy about that. Hurrah.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Fucking ATC

ATC decided not to give me a job. I was banking on that and was almost sure I'd get it because I've worked there before but that'd make far too much sense wouldn't it. Now I desperatly need a job. What's with shops and stuff having signs on their windows looking for staff and not ever calling when a CV is handed in? It's ridiculous.

I've been playing electric guitar again. It feels good. And sounds alot more whole. I think I'll learn and record a few songs properly with the electric. It'll be swell!

Kevin Devine is supporting Brand New. I'm fucking excited!

Making up utter crap to strangers in clubs is absolutley hilarious! I fucking told them Barcelona would win it! Idiots. Man I hate football.

BBQ on Sunday. It's gonna be sweet. I wish my Dad knew I drank so I could have a few beers. Oh well. Stupid Muzzies! I had a conversation with my Mam about him today. She's got my back.

Working the next 2 saturdays. Hopefully that'll fund any plans I may have.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

So many of my sentences start with 'I wish'

I wish I could make my mind up about certain things in my life. The way my oppinions fluctuate annoys the crap out of me. I can be so against drinking and doing drugs and stuff one week and not see a problem with it the next week. It's not even down to personal experience. I should just stop over thinking things. It'll actually drive me insane.

I've had a massive blister on my tongue for the last week or so. It was unbearable the last two days but it's starting to clear up now. I can eat and stuff now without having to cock my head into awkward positions to encourage the food to stay away from it.

I'm planning on watching all the episodes of the OC soon. I've grown to like series like that but I'd have to watch them all in one go. Waiting a week or so between episodes would kill me. I'm also up to dtwith how I met your mother again. It's a grand old show.

My laptop has completely failed me. It now just about turns on. Hurrah! I think I'll wipe it at some point over the next few days.

I got a new car. It's a VW Polo. It feels like driving a bumper car. You can spin the wheel and it'll keep going. Power Steering ftw!

I found out that my gran may have had cancer about a month ago. It's ridiculous how long it took for them to check her properly. Over a month like. What are you playing at? She got the scan for it last week and it's come up clean. I actually thought it was down to the last couple of weeks of her life. It still might be but who knows. She kept saying the other day she wishes God would take her. If living has become so bad for her, then I kinda wish for it too. She's in an awful state. And I can't imagine what my Granddad will be like when it happens. Sigh.

Monday, April 27, 2009


It's always such a disappointment when things don't turn out the way you expected them too. People who say 'Do you think we'll still be friends when we're old?' are usually the first to go. I hate that question. It's nearly always the sign that your friendship has reached it's peak and it will all be downhill from here. It always inspires doubts in my mind.

You asked me that only a few months ago and it's pretty clear now where we're going. I hope you enjoyed the attention.

I'm so sick of falling for who I think people are. It pains me to have to get to know you only to discover you're the complete opposite of who I thought you were.

In other news...

I have work for the first time since Christmas. It's only 70 blips but times are tough. They're not really that tough. I just don't like taking from my parents so much.

It's getting closer an closer until I've to part with my best friend of the last few years for an entire year. I didn't think it would actually come to fruition but here we are. I'm sure it'll be grand and it'll probably do me some good but it's really going to suck. And I won't have someone to bring to gigs so I won't be alone. Damn it, Greer! What have you done! You better have a fucking great time!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I wish you knew how much fun I don't have when I'm out with you.
And I wish you'd stop convincing me to go out when I don't want to.
It's amazing how a different environment can bring out someone in you that I just can't stand to be around.
Sitting outside smoking and getting stoned with the pretentious and the ignorant is not my idea of having fun, so when you take part in these ventures and experiences, I'd prefer not to be invited and not to be told about it.
It's not accomplishing anything, no matter how you think it is.

It really isn't my place to say any of these things to you.


I'm losing faith in people.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


It's getting to that time of year, where you leave and don't come back. I think it's starting to physically make me sick. It's dragging me back down to the downward spiral I climbed out of a few months ago.

Watching someone have a seizure has got to be the worst thing I have ever witnessed. It's like watching someone kick every last joule of energy out of their body before they die. It's so horrible to see. It happened to my gran a few weeks ago. This horrible shaking was followed by an ungodly sound, as if she was forcing all the air out of her body. It was like she was shutting down her systems one at a time, first the nervous system, then her respiratory system shut down.

She sat dead for about two minutes with a cold heartless stare across the room. Having to make a phonecall telling someone their mother just died is almost as bad as the event itself. I couldn't even bring myself to do it. I said she fainted instead.

As it happened she did come to a while later. My Godparents came over so I let them take over the situation while I sat down trying to take in what was going on.

As much as I helped that situation, I wish I wasn't there for it. It's going to haunt me for such a long time. A few years down the line when I think back on my grandparents, that's going to be the first thing that comes into my head. Fantastic!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


I wish I had a purpose to starting this blog. But I don't. It's just a way to combat my boredom, unemployment and an excuse for me to write more. Writing can be so beautiful. It's unlikely you'll find any such beauty in my ramblings or whatever ends up here but I suppose if I get something out of this, it'll be worth something.

Last month was my 21st birthday. Birthdays are always disappointing. It's such a build up were everyone raises false hopes of fun and something to remember but the only thing you come out remembering is the fact that you're another year older and have little more to show for it.

I'm hoping to turn everything around. I'm going to try and throw myself into art, music and creative writing. Hopefully It'll have some sort of positive effect on me. I think that these are three areas where someone can honestly express themself so if I become half decent in any of these fields, I'll be happy.