Saturday, June 19, 2010

Hahaha. Best thread!

At least when Amy was here, I could blame recording mistakes on her.

I was recording today but I keep making mistakes and I'm getting annoyed with myself so I think I'll leave it for a while.

So I was supposed to start work on Monday but due to circumstances beyond anyone's control, I had to get it off and start on Tuesday instead. I'm glad I have the friends I have. Monday was the roughest day I've had in a long time. I spent the morning trying to keep myself together enough to talk to people and as soon as I entered the church grounds, my stomach somersaulted and I felt horribly sick. Headaches ensued.

Anyway, work is absolutely grand. I spend the day updating databases and finding solutions to problems the other departments have using their software. If you need your font changed, I'm your man! If a printer needs toner, what up? If a monitor is broken, I'll replace it with a new one. If the new data you've added to your excel file isn't showing up in the word document which you've imported it into, I'm the guy who tells you that you've imported the wrong file.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Today is the saddest of all days

I've been distracting myself all day but like... Yeah. :(

New Job

I got a new job. If the job was a movie I'd be credited as IT guy #4. I've no idea what they're expecting me to do but I assume it'll be grand because it's only work experience and if it was in any way too difficult, I wouldn't be there. They seemed pretty desperate as well.
I start on Monday at 9 O'clock. I'm thinking 5 days a week working from 9 until 5, installing programs and turning printers off and then back on again is essentially what's going to happen. We shall see.

I watched some the World Cup yesterday. It was crap. I fell asleep during it. I think that sums up my feelings towards football.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I wish my head didn't go to shit everytime I have to be on my own for more than a few minutes. This constant need for having someone around me is really getting on my tits. Last week, I told Rebecca to come over after work so at 2 in the morning she came over and we literally had a half an hour chat something to eat and slept until she had to go to work the next day.
I really don't know why, but being at home makes it a bit worse as well. I spend pretty much all of my time in my gran's now a days and there's no need for it.
Oh well. I'm hungry now. Time for foods.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It came today


I'm glad my passport didn't come yesterday

Because I literally would have killed someone if it came a few hours after the flight. I was convinced it was going to happen.

This blog is awesome. It's just loads of awesome/funny images. G'wan, sure you've come this far... You might as well take a look.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Stuff 'n' stuff

I wrote a new song. It's somewhat happyish... I'm not sure what happened there. But yeah. You can find it here if you are in any way interested.

My aunt's went home today. I can't wait to have my room back. I still have loads to do. They didn't really do much at all. They were supposed to be cleaning but they just cleaned what I already had and rearranged the furniture which I'm just going to undo because I keep walking into that fucking chair they put in the sitting room.

I hate that they're the way they are. I'd never bring any form of drugs into that house. I even have qualms about drinking there. And yet they came over for a week and smoked as much as they want. On the first day, we had a talk about how I've never done anything other than drinking but that I wasn't entirely opposed to the idea and that I know better than to take it home with me.

It's amazing how they were all so anti-drugs up a few years ago and now they're just this...

I can't wait to have my recording studio (my recording corner of the the sitting room).