Monday, October 11, 2010

I'm bored in the library... naturally, I'm writing a blog.

I wish DCU didn't insist on making ridiculous timetables. I have 9 hours of lectures a week. It could easily be squeezed into 2 days. But instead, I have 2 days with only one lecture.

Calculation time. If Richie needs to leave his house 2 hours before his lecture to get into college on time, and it takes 2 hours after a lecture is finished for him to get home, how many hours of Richie's day will he be giving up for 1 lecture.

Ridiculous! (It's 5 hours)

I have a three hour break today. Those two lectures could just be put in there and I'd be ever so happy.

I reread over a message I sent today. I probably shouldn't use the words frequency and volume as much as I do.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I know I say this every time but for some reason I end up going back on the off chance that it might be fun. I really need to stop going here.

Also, there must be some sort of fire regulations that they're just not adhering to. It's impossible to get from one side of the room to the other without literally pushing people out of your way for the entire journey.

Everybody is a fucking idiot.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Final Fantasy IX

Great game. <3 PSN!

I tried to use the DCU library today. I was unsuccessful. I went back for round 2 though and I nailed it. You can check out books automatically now. It's all the shades of convenient. I think I'll go back to playing this game now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Is the greatest game I have ever played. I'd love for side scrolling beat em ups to make a triumphant return to gaming. Doubtful though...

Someone needs to bring a PS3 controller over to my house and play this with me!

The movie is also incredible, but somewhat less incredible than the game.