Tuesday, November 17, 2009

You people disgust me

Smoking has got to be the most disgusting thing ever. It's got literally no advantages and why anyone in this day and age starts is beyond me. I can kinda understand the way some people might think it looks cool but anyone who thinks that sould come visit my gran. She's hooked up to an oxygen machine pretty much constantly and has to take some other vapour nebiliser stuff as well as that. And even with all that she doesn't get enough oxygen into her brain so now we have the wonderful world of losing one's mind setting in as well.

I came into my gran's yesterday and the sitting room was just a cloud of smoke. I couldn't even sit in there and it was too cold to open any doors or anything. I went back in a while later and gave her tablets to take. Than I had to show her how to take her tablets because she didn't know what to do with them, then we argued about how much nebiliser she has to take.
She then went around the room looking in all the little boxes around the place looking for something, but she didn't know what. She tried to take all the liquid medicine that she could get hold of. I had to take two bottles of laxitive and a bottle for heartburn from her. She also tried to take my granddad's painkillers and then her tablets again. Eventually I gave her two spoonfulls of her cough bottle and she was content.

She opened a bar of chocolate at somepoint. I've never seen someone so confused by chocolate before. She started cutting it with a knife. Which leads nicely into another chocolate related insident. My aunt was staying over and she decided they'd both have facials so my aunt had everything done and they'd to leave it on for a half an hour or so. In the meantime, they both had a bar of chocolate but after about ten minutes my aunt noticed my gran was rubbing it on her face.
It's a bit crap lauging at her when things like that happen but if I didn't I wouldn't be able to bare staying there so often.

So basically the point of this post is, if you don't want to have a chocolate face when you get older then you shouldn't smoke. And in general. Don't smoke. You're disgusting if you do.

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