Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time Management

I feel terrible. On the bus home I got headache which gradually got worse and I really just wanted to get off. Now I feel like I might vom before the night is over. Oh well.

I had an awesome day today. I love meeting up with old friends. And it's weird that I have friends that are so old. Old enough to be my mother. Madness. I regret nothing though. She's one of the nicest people ever.

It's so strange that I was working in ATC only 4 months ago. And another few months before that, Killester was the place to be. And now it's two weeks till Christmas? What the hell? It feels like only a few months ago I was listening to Xmas FM. My perception of time is all over the place. Since leaving school, time has somewhat melted into a goop. Ha. Goop.

I have to come up with a project plan for my 3rd year project now. It involves alot of time management which, as you can see from the above paragraph, baffles me. It's almost impossible to do it all now considering the project won't be started for ages. I can't wait to edit the schedule to fit our shortcomings before we even start. It's basically estimating things you haven't accounted for. It really is an ongoing process rather than something to before you start. Oh the joys and logic of college.

My presentation went surprisingly well. Whoopa!!! Who'd have thought such a serious lecturer would be up for some light comedic relief.

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