Monday, April 19, 2010

The Collection of the Bins

I just wheeled the wheely bin out because I heard the bin truck going by. A few seconds later, I collected it. I looked around and suddenly everyone was on the road collecting their bins and having a chit chat. It was like the social event of the morning that everyone knew about but no body talked about.

Rule 1 of The Collection of the Bins: You don't talk about The Collection of the Bins
Rule 2 of The Collection of the Bins: YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THE COLLECTION OF THE BINS!!!

I had a nice chat with Mrs. Kilmartin and then she went across the road to say hi to Mrs. Reid. I'd have stayed out longer and joined in the fun but my coffee was getting cold. I can't wait for next week.

I'm exagerating a little bit but not as much as you might think...


  1. This is the type of thing epic choral pieces get written about.

  2. haha. Aw that's so nice that people talk to each other where you live!!!!
