Monday, December 13, 2010

Fun with MIR. Yay!

I'd very much like for it to be some time last month again. I liked having some sort of direction in my life along with a something to work for. Being a lot happier overall was quite pleasant as well.

Life goes on...

I'm designing a functional spec for my Multimedia Information Systems. It's to do with using inputs such as a wearable camera and microphone and outputting helpful information based on these inputs to a handheld screen or earphones. It's incredible when you get into what it could actually do. Image detection would match items in shops and give them a rating based on your needs as a consumer (price comparison, quality etc) as well providing extra info on dvds by matching the cover you've picked up with an online image and returning a review or something.
I also quite like the idea of having a GPS system built in. It can use this to check your location, look for nearby bus stops on google maps, and return a time table for buses that go from there.
Over time, it could potentially detect patterns in behaviour such as if youre in a certain environment (bar) in the early hours of the morning, you'll probably want to order a taxi soon. It could check your locations and provide phone numbers for you.
There are so many endless possibilities.

It's quite similar to SixthSense Technology which is worth a look if you're bored or interested in that sort of thing.

Also, Bobby D's coming back on Monday. Excited for the return of the lad and the babe.

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