Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Little Things...

It's weird how much the little things annoy me. What gives you the right to say 'It's hard to be around Gran and Granddad'? You literally see them about three times a year. You can't claim an attachment like that when you don't care enough to even visit.
I went to work last night. I hate Christmas parties. It's just so hectic, always. Any time there's a free bar, people become obnoxious in their goals of drinking as much as physically possible and trying to get served. What a stupid society we live in.

The two assignments that were due on Friday are now due on Monday and Tuesday. Which is awesome because I don't even nearly have them done. I really don't understand how we're supposed to adequetly learn enough to go to work after college. Instead of using the lab facilities there, we have lectures on 'methods to program' and they don't actually teach you how to do anything. I literally have to go online and look up tutorials for how to do the simplest things. If they'd give us a stable amount of work as we go along and not just a massive assignment at the end, we'd actually know what we're doing.

My rose is back. Man that was a rough couple of days...

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